I take naming things seriously. The words we use give meaning that shapes how we think, live, and act.
One of my favorite things about moving house is the ability to re-name the home. Typically, it's a Need rather than a me thing because Wi-Fi.
To make sure we know our which network is our, easily communicate to visitors & guests, and general Security 101 for Wi-Fi passwords. The name means that task is checked off for future-me to appreciate.
But the meaning comes from thinking of names as blessings. By naming homes $this
or $that
we bestow something of what we hope that home to become. The energy, the vibes, you want to cultivate in this Space.
Without further ado, and in a haphazard chronological order:
Our first home after moving to the States. New adventures, undiscovered cities. Also,a very good animated movie that's in our rewatch cycle.
Wonder Emporium
Our first apartment together. Named after one of my favorite movies: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. Embodying the weird, fun, different ways of working at life.
The Burrow
My second apartment in the Netherlands, next to Prinseneiland. Named as a blessing to grow the warmth, community, safety, and solidarity in the red-headed family's home.
My second apartment after University; in Amsterdam, on the Leidsegracht. If Arrakis was a new adventure, Caladan—another planet in the same literary universe—felt appropriate. A new land built of water and trade.
Couldn't name it because situation, but it was on the Vincent van Goghstraat. One of my favorite artists. Even have a funny story of almost knocking a painting he did down by bumping into it.
My first apartment after University. A time of new adventures, "adult" life after graduation. A new world that's very different than any others I'd encountered so far.