I’ve been working on the internet for a long while and have started multiple writing projects. From the defunct-but-soon-to-be-revived theinclusiveleader.com to the various iterations of blogging on my website, social writing platforms, and social media.
- I have a lot that I want to write about.
- I have multiple books in various stages of progress.
- I have written thousands of words for work, but very little for myself.
What’s in a chapter?
I aim to evolve this practice, hence a more chapter or series approach to the topic, and why the URL is my name rather than the title. As my routine builds, so will this purpose evolve.
This chapter, the goals are:
- publish consistently, daily;
- decrease cognitive load by limiting length; and
- authenticity over polish—write, then publish.
Aspirational inspirations
There are many people that have influenced my desire to write over the years, especially in the “old school web design” days when CSS3 was just being released and Twitter was still fun. I routinely come back to four that have had long-lasting personal impact of the why & how a writing routine is valuable:
- The Manual, a defunct design journal for the web that' was published by Andy McMillan;
- Offscreen, a paused indie magazine that examines how we shape technology and how technology shapes us, published by Kai Brach
- The Do Lectures, an encouragement network for the creative underdog, led by David Hiatt
- The Practice and Seth’s Blog by Seth Godin
See you tomorrow.